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Your Questions, Answered
Frequently Asked Questions
Everything You Need to Know to Enhance Your Workflow.
What is Rivkey?
How does the unified shortcut menu work?
Do I need to configure the app before using it?
Can I add my own shortcuts to Rivkey?
How does Rivkey protect my privacy?
Is Rivkey available on both macOS and Windows?
Can I change the appearance of Rivkey?
How can I search for a specific shortcut?
What is the pie-menu and how does it work?
How can I organize my shortcuts in Rivkey?
Will the shortcut menu automatically update if I switch apps?
How do I sync my shortcuts across multiple devices?
How do I add or remove shortcuts from Rivkey?
Is Rivkey free to use?
Is there a trial version of Rivkey available?
Do I need to provide credit card details to access the trial?
What happens after my 15 usages for the day are up?
Can I carry over unused daily usages to the next day?
How do I track my remaining daily usages during the trial period?
What features are included in the free trial?
How will I know when my trial period is about to end?
What happens when my two-week trial period ends?
If I decide to purchase Rivkey after the trial, will my shortcuts be saved?
How do I purchase a full license after my trial ends?